Wednesday, November 30, 2011

tiny update.

so this is the most scatterbrained blog post i've ever posted as it was written over the course of two least it's some kind of update.

saturday, november 19, 2011:

I slept out on the dock last night for the first time, and my! I shouldn't have waited this long. Have I ever mentioned that the view of the stars from our base is breathtaking?? I'm not exaggerating either; I gasp every.single.time i look at the stars here. And when you're out on the dock, especially on a moonless night when the ocean seems black as the sky, you sit there and feel like you're floating around in outer space. The stars actually look tangible-like you could hold them in your hands if you could reach far enough to grasp them-where as at home they appear more like a glowing mist in the sky. I have never felt so loved or so at peace as I did last night. As a last hurrah of our lecture phase, our outstanding leaders prepared a dessert night for us. They sent us fancy invitations and asked us to dress fancy and they set the dining hall up all fancy like and fancily escorted us to our fancy tables and then served us fancy coffee and tea and desserts. Two of the desserts they made for everyone had dairy and gluten in them, so they MADE me SPECIAL desserts JUST FOR ME that were DAIRY AND GLUTEN FREE and I COULD EAT THEM and I DIDN'T GET SICK. I may or may not have teared up a bit. That had to take so much work!

key lime sorbet
apples on top
strawberry sauce
just for me!

Goodness, and then they spoke encouragements over each of us. AHH it was so special! Then we took lots and LOTS and lots of pictures, which was really fun. I love these people and I don't want to ever forget them. The celebration represented so incredibly much for us. We each came here to DP broken, for one reason or another, and we all wanted healing. If not healing, then strength; if not strength, then to hear from God; if not to hear from God, to become a better leader. I don't think I realized until today that when I came here, I really was at the end of my rope. I had tried to heal in every way I could think of. I had tried to suck it up and be happy with life. But I knew none of it was working. But now, I know God in a way that has transformed me. I know Joy that I never used to know. I am free because I've learned to walk in the light.

My lovely friend Dani rubbed my head until I fell asleep out on the dock saturday night. There was a peace like I've never experienced wrapped around me all throughout that night. I don't even have words to explain it, but I've never felt so loved. Everytime I woke up in the middle of the night, I opened my eyes to the stunning stars and was overcome with peace. I felt God's presence so tangibly.

I've been writing this blogpost over the course of a week…starting last sunday, and it's now friday…so if it's a little off, that's why.

We only have two more days here in Belize before leaving for outreach in South Africa.
monday, nov. 28, 2011

ANNNNNND, now, it's monday. first day of outreach. Twelve weeks ago I sat in this same airport, anticipating what the next 3 months would bring, but having no idea what I had gotten myself into. I became acquainted with those two missionaries, Van and Patty, who gave me all kinds of advice and encouragement about living for Christ and being a missionary. Now, though we've been delayed 3 more hours, we're sitting here in the Belize City airport again as our last few moments here in Belize are disappearing. I had no idea the change that was going to happen inside me. No idea of the transformation. I had no idea how hard these last 12 weeks were going to be.