Sunday, October 7, 2012


I've been meaning to write a new post all semester. The delay has been partially due to Samford's internet security blocking my blog, and partially due to a mind-block. I haven't had anything to say because I haven't known what to think about all these overwhelming changes happening in my life since moving to college. I know I shouldn't let that stop me from writing, because Jesus most often teaches me things through my own writing. Looking back on something I've written, even if it sucks, helps me to heal, move on, and remind me that I never need to go there again. I'm always amazed at the things I don't remember feeling, but because I wrote them down, I can use them as a compass in making my next decision. God always seems to bring up those learned lessons at the exact right time.

It's finally fall break, and I have really been enjoying the relaxation. Lots of One Tree Hill. Lots of loud piano, loud guitar, and loud singing at the top of my lungs. Lots of driving through the country, looking at the changing colors. Lots of good talks with people I love. Lots of homework (because a real break is unrealistic). Lots of Jesus. Just a WHOLE lot of JESUS. bunches of Jesus. I love my Jesus.

I've been feeling down on motivation lately. But then the Holy Spirit comes to me and FILLS ME UP. and then I feel ready to accomplish huge tasks. I just haven't been putting enough effort in, lately. And that's changing right here and now.

That's what this post is. I know, it's scatter-brained. It isn't deep. Not even very long. But I'm writing again. And I'm actually trying to learn again. And the Holy Spirit is inspiring me to write new words and new songs, and I'm not going to let anything stop me from chasing after his voice. Jesus, the sound of your voice is PURPOSE to me. You are my LIFE. Don't ever let me forget that. 

I am lifeless without you.

Dead--on the ground.

All my life is in you, Papa. All that I cherish apart from you is dead and death. But all that is in you is life and hope and light.

I meant it when I said "I will not turn away."

I used to be a quitter, but you have made me persistent. I am bent on seeing your face.

Thank you for this rest, Jesus.