Friday, October 7, 2011

Belize update.

I guess I only just realized how long it has been since my last post. Sorry, for those of you who are actually following me! I'll try to update more often. Honestly, though, everytime I've thought about journaling and blogging lately, I've become overwhelmed because SO MUCH has been going on here. First of all, I didn't realize that I never blogged about Bob, so let me give you a quickie version of his story.
Two Saturday nights ago, a strange man turned up in our library. After multiple stories going around of who he was, how he got here, who found him, and why he was here, the truth came out. His name is Bob, age 33, he is a successful and well-loved businessman from Holland, he has been traveling all over the place (mostly the US) for the past 3 months, and he came to Belize to end his life. Chris and Lynn, our base directors gave him a place to stay and food to eat, only under the condition that he would call his momma in the morning. haha. i love that. During breakfast, the monday after he arrived, Bob explained to me that he never really believed in God other than the sun. He said the only thing that's ever made sense to Him (religion wise), is that the sun is so big and powerful and makes things grow, and so the sun must be god, and we must all be made of stardust. I had a hard time imagining how someone could live under that belief, but the more I talked to Bob and learned the way he lived, the more I understood his intentions in ending his life. Bob had no idea why he existed, and no idea of his worth. The first couple times he told the story of how he came to DP, he was telling everyone that "coincidentally" he ended up here at DP, where he was "lucky" to be taken care of. Lynn was quick to smack him around saying, "I told you WE DON'T BELIEVE IN COINCIDENCES HERE!" hahaha...Bob doesn't believe in coincidences anymore either. Due to losing all his possessions in one of his 3 attempts at suicide, Bob has been stuck here the past two weeks, waiting for an emergency passport. It just so happens that Bob came just in time for our lecture week with Jeff Pratt on "The Father Heart of God." Coincidence? Our week with Jeff Pratt was outstanding. The most healing time of my life up until this week! haha. We talked about walking in the light, as God is in the light. I always thought that meant walking in happiness and joy and good things- the light!-right? No! I found out that it actually means to expose yourself, expose your sin, expose your weakness, expose who you really are, that you may find freedom! and OH! the freedom we found!!!! As for Bob, he found Christ!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He sat in on our wonderful lectures this past week as well. Lynn Toney, (our base director) was the speaker this week, and by God speaking through her, we found even MORE freedom! We broke the ball and chains we each carry, and I cannot even explain this freedom at this moment, it's the purest joy i've ever experienced. I think my team knows more about me and how i've messed up than anyone ever on this earth...besides Jesus, duh. But it seriously amazes me how much we've all opened up to eachother after just 5 weeks! Sure, we don't know eachothers' personalities to a tee, but that will come in time. We are such a funny mix of people, and I love that God has brought us together, because we probably would have never met otherwise.
Just this past week, we had baptisms and rededications for those who felt called....guess who felt called??? BOB! I'm so proud of him, and so blessed by his story. We have witnessed a true miracle here before our very eyes! As my friend Joanie said, "We better be excited about this, because if we're not excited about this, what will we be excited about?" THIS is why we live, to be free in Christ and bring others to that freedom! And ohhhhh the freedom feels good. I've never felt this good.
I'm loving it here at DP. Sure, there are difficult things, but I'm witnessing that perseverance builds character, and character hope. And hope does not disappoint us. I know most everyone has already heard this, but a few weeks ago, God healed my back! He took the pain away, and its been structurally healing ever since. Praise the LORD! We are witnessing REAL miracles here.
Last, but not least, we are raising funds for outreach! We have a team going to South Africa, and a team going to Guatemala...(I'm on the South Africa team!!!) Each of us needs to raise 3,700 dollars, which means 37 people giving 100 dollars, or 100 people giving 37 dollars...however you wanna do the's a lot of money, but we trust God to provide. Please be in prayer for us as we trust God for this money to come in by October 14th!!!! If you would like to help us out, please contact me on facebook!!! Hannah Tichenor is my name if you don't already know that. haha. Hannah Tichenor from Franklin, TN. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support everyone!

Random fun stuff....
It's so hot here that when it dropped to 81 F, we all put on pants and jackets. and LOVED it. haha.

there are scorpians here in Belize! scary.

our library (where I'm currently sitting), is apparently the mosquito, crab, and gecko mating ground of the whole base...sick.

sea grass smells like hard boiled eggs.

they reuse glass pop bottles sanitary.

sting rays swim around our dock all the time!

the clouds over the ocean here are the most beautiful clouds in history.

there are attack pit bulls all over the place here....which makes running suck...haha but keeps me in prayer.

uhmmm that's all i got for now. if you have any questions, i'd love to answer them!!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome update Han! Mommy and I love hearing it all! BTW, they always reused glass bottles when we were kids. Wed collect them and turn them back in. Nobody would dare throw them away! Better tan recycling. They washed them in high temp! We are so impressed and excited for you and miss you soooo much!

    Love Daddy
