Saturday, December 3, 2011

from the jberg airport

So, this is a far overdue and non extensive update on our traveling this past week...

Monday, we began our journey to Durban, South Africa; our first outreach location. We took an hour and a half long water taxi from San Pedro, Belize to Belize City. There, we had to say goodbye to the two girls and two small group leaders who are doing their outreach in Guatemala! We cried a little saying goodbye, but we're also so confident that God is using us for great things how and where He wants to, that it's hard to be too sad. We then took a taxi ( the first time I'd been in a car in 3 months! felt crazy!) to the Belize City airport. Our outreach team had to split into two groups to travel until we got to Amsterdam, where we all met up again. So, the first team left at 12 pm, and while my team was supposed to leave at 3 pm, our flight got delayed 4 hours. In the Belize City airport, there is absolutely nothing to do. A little cafe was open when we first got there, but then it closed around 2 pm... normal?? oh Belize...haha I have to say, I don't miss Belize yet. I'm sure I will before long, but I don't yet. Finally, we had a nice smooth ride to Miami, and I about kissed the American soil when we landed! I have never loved America as much as I do now. I really appreciate the order and the civilization. haha. I got my first starbucks in 3 months and about peed my pants!! I really and actually did fall on my knees and tear up a bit haha. ohh it was glorious! another thing I never knew I missed until I saw them: American gift shops! They may be expensive, but at least they sell things you actually want to buy. And its not expired. Anyway, we got to spend the night in Miami at the Embassy Suites. Ahh it was glorious! I slept in a bed without sand and mosquitoes and noseeams and WITH airconditioning for the first time in 3 months!! At 10 the next morning, we went back to the Miami airport to catch our flight to JFK, which we just barely caught. We then had a 6 hour flight from JFK to Amsterdam....where I got more starbucks! We had about a two hour layover in Amsterdam before our 10 1/2 hour flight to Johannesburg... We've now been in the Johannesburg airport for about 5 hours and have 3 or 4 more to go before we fly to Durban....been a good trip so far. I'm gonna try to update my blog a lot more on outreach, but we'll see how that actually works. so, until later. :))

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