Tuesday, December 6, 2011

ministry day 2

First really hot day in Pinetown today. I'm actually sweating while sitting here in Mugg & Bean (the coffee shop in the mall that's about 2 blocks from our flat; the only place we can find Wifi). Yesterday, our first day of ministry, we served in a soup kitchen. Before going, I pictured us serving scoopfulls of soup out of metal bowls to a line of hundreds of people until we were exhausted and trying to fellowship with them and show them Jesus. I was soooo farrrr offffff. The soup kitchen was not a building that served lines of homeless people soup all the time, but instead was being held in a church. We walked into a room of about 20 zulu men, being led by an asian man, singing beautiful worship to our God. I was stunned. Aside from the beauty of their harmonies, there was such a presence of freedom in that place. Then, they had our team come up to the front and sing for them...and basically, all us white americans and canadians had a sing off...with a bunch of African men....wasn't the best idea. haha They showed us up for sure, but it was so much fun. Most of them didn't speak much English, so we got some funny looks at times, but it was so worth it. Each member of our team was then assigned different jobs to help out with around the place. While a few gave their testimonies, and a few led worship, and a few sorted out clothing and toys, two of my teammates and I helped out in the kitchen. You know, nothing unusual...just washing stuffed animals and plastic communion cups in the sink (a good number of them being cracked. haha this is africa? heck yeah it is. I was reminded, "We don't throw ANYTHING away in Africa," by the British lady I was helping. Today, we've been working on skits and such to pull out in situations like yesterday. And we're going to a rehab center tonight to help out there...we'll see how it goes! Loving SA so far!

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