Saturday, December 31, 2011

last post from durban!

Although very difficult at times, the 7 days have compiled the coolest week of outreach so far. Thinking back to last saturday…We went and preached in the streets for the first time. We've done other kinds of street ministry: treasure hunting, prayer walking, picking up trash etc. and seen God work in each situation, but this was the first time we actually stood before a crowd in the streets--both nerve wracking and exciting. We were able to rent a sound system from another street performer and played music, attempted some "Zulu dancing" (well, our outreach leader, Noah, did), performed the Everything skit. then Noah preached and our friend Sifiso translated into Zulu. Afterward, they asked the crowd if anyone would like healing or would like to receive Christ. Probably about 10 people came up. I don't know all of the stories of what took place then; I only know about the woman I prayed for. She had pain in her back and a headache. I took authority in Jesus' name over the pain twice and she said nothing happened. I prayed one more time, still taking authority, and the pain left. She was so shocked she almost passed out! She looked at me like I was crazy, told me the pain was gone, and that she was very dizzy. Then she walked away…thankful and…really freaked out. haha. I was SO excited because I LOVE to see God work like that! Later that day I prayed over another lady who had a pain on each of her sides and a headache that wouldn't go away. I prayed over her multiple times and she looked at me really strangely, and said thank you. I asked if the pain was gone and she said she still had pain and then walked away, seeming frustrated. I went and told Sifiso that I had prayed over this woman and nothing had happened and asked him to pray over her because I wasn't willing to give up. He went and began speaking to her in Zulu and then told me that the woman said both her headache and pain in one of her sides had left when I prayed over her, but there was only still pain in one side. Then I was SO stoked because I knew God really was at work. We prayed for her again and the last of the pain left her body!!! Praise Jesus! He is alive! I'm so done with my doubts.

Sunday, we had a wonderful family Christmas! We did secret santa so we each only had to buy one present and filled eachother's stockings. Christmas ended up being much more meaningful this way, and after experiencing so much of Christ's power and authority, I found myself thinking about the true meaning of Christmas wayyyy more than I usually do. Some of my team mates cooked a DELICIOUS christmas breakfast and dinner...we ate wayyy tooo muchhh that day, but it was awesome.

monday was the last day of going to the orphanage in the the township called molweni. it's at the very bottom of a valley, surrounded by cliffs and mountains. SO BEAUTIFUL. it was hard to say goodbye to the kids as we'd formed relationships with them over the last two weeks. Afterward, we didn't feel like waiting around for a taxi, so we hiked up this really steep mountain that was longer than 2 kilometers...i don't know how long it actually was, i just know that we stopped at one point and someone told us that we'd come 2 kilometers, and then we kept going...and it was freaking STEEP. And it was freaking BEAUTIFUL. and it was freaking AWESOME. after that, we went to a medical clinic and watched God heal more people through our hands! It's getting kinda normal now to see God heal people through my hands...wayyyy wierd but amazing! I spoke in tongues for the first time on monday too.

tuesday we did more street ministry like on saturday! awesome!

wednesday we went to an orphanage called lily of the valley--one of the first aids orphanages in africa-- and helped them with some manual labor...that was rough, but it payed off.

thursday and friday we worked in a food bank and it was really cool! i enjoyed it a lot!

loving outreach, sad we only have 3 more weeks, but i'm so excited to come home!!! thanks for all the prayers!

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