Monday, September 12, 2011


I wrote this wednesday...

So, my first blog post in Belize. I can't even begin to get my thoughts straight. I'll start with my travel experience. I had a relatively easy and super blessed journey here to San Pedro. Sure there were tiny bumps, but nothing that pulled me from my course. Like I mentioned before on facebook and have received many questions over, I was being followed by an El Salvadorian after my first flight. He wasn't just creepin on me though, he was trying to get to his gate to go to El Salvador. I had been sitting next to this approximately 40 year old man on the previous plane and at some point during the flight, we had discussed where we were headed. My next gate was E35. His gate was E2. So, he then told me that since Atlanta is an uncomfortably large airport, and he didn't know where I was heading, he was going to follow me there. I kind of nervously laughed, and as soon as I figured out where I was going, I BOOKED. I thought that I had to anyway, seeing as I arrived in the A terminal and had to get to E35 in 15 mins. I was sure I had lost him, until I heard a voice, practically on my ear saying "So uh, where we go-een?" I half jumped, and tried to explain to him how to get there. Funny thing is, my parents had told me several times before I left that it wasn't my job to help people through the airport because often times people will act like they need help so that they can mug you. I didn't encourage this guy in any way to follow me, but at the same time, I didn't even have the time to point him to other assistance. So, I figured as long as I was very aware of my belongings, it wouldn't hurt for him to follow me...if he could keep up. I felt like the mother of this 40 year old man as I had to explain to him that we had to go down the escalator to get to the train, and once on the train we had to get off at the E terminal because our gates were in the E terminal. He asked so many questions, but I couldn't help but acknowledge the fact that if I was acting like Christ as I claim to, I would help those who asked at my own expense. Besides, I had my backpack in front of me the whole time, with my arms in the straps so that no one could touch my bag without me seeing it. I directed him to his gate, and found mine easily. To my surprise, I had an additional 30 minutes before boarding, THANKS JESUS. So, i got to go grab starbucks. When I returned to my gate, 2 girls, from my DTS, Dani and Megan, were sitting there as well, THANKS JESUS. Turns out, mine and Megan's seats were right next to eachother, and there were empty seats next to us so Dani got to sit next to us. THANKS JESUS. All of the guys from our DTS were on the same plane, but we didn't meet them until we got to Belize.
There were two Christ followers (decidedly not missionaries), sitting behind Megan and I on the flight to Belize. They were asking about YWAM and explained that they worked with kids in Barranco, Belize. From the Belize City airport, we had to take a 15 minute puddle jumper to San Pedro. Everyone else in my DTS had scheduled their flight with the other airline and left right away. I was a little bummed that I was the only one on Maya Island Air, and sat alone at the gate for what seemed like a long time. I wondered if I was going to be the only one on the flight. Then, the couple doing work in Barranco came walking up and sat with me. They told me that they originally came to Belize for retirement, but saw the need and accepted their call to help. They told me that Barranco has a strong culture of witchcraft and they are not accepting of missionaries, mostly because the missionaries that have gone to Barranco previously made a bad name for themselves. So, they felt the call to be good neighbors, and when the Belizeans ask what is different, they share the Gospel. They had been driving down from Michigan to Belize for years, they explained, but now it's too dangerous to drive due to corrupt government in Mexico. They told me some wonderful stories from their journeys and I want to share one. Apparently, they had stopped somewhere in Mexico and needed to stay the night. Van and Patty (the non-missionaries) spoke no spanish, and the hotel owner in town spoke verrrry limited English. They tried and tried to book rooms for the night, one for them and one for their grand daughter, but the hotel owner would not rent them a room longer than 3 hours. They were confused and frustrated until they realized they were not in a hotel, they were in a brothel. As they walked away, the "hotel" owner finally realized what they were asking for and came running after them, saying that he would give Van and Patty two rooms across from each other for the night. "Just don't let the girl turn the TV on!" he warned. So, they stayed. They stayed the night in a brothel!! What commitment! Van jokingly explained, "They gave me a discount since I brought my own women." Haha I was astounded at their passion and zealousy. For some reason, I often think of passion and zealousy as being "young people things." Van and Patty proved me wrong. They told me I could come visit them whenever I wanted, and gave me some very good advice. They said: wherever in the world you go, whenever you meet people from other places, get their contact information. You may need it someday. You never know where you're gonna need to go, and if you're gonna need connections.
I thought that was golden information.
Finally, my puddle jumper was ready to go, and there were 4 other passengers. This flight was one of the most scenic-ly beautiful moments of my entire life. The difference between the sea and sky was indistinguishable. All so blue and green. The water is so clear, I could see the underwater hills and mountains and holes from the sky!
From the airstrip in San Pedro, the other YWAMers that had arrived a while before me and I jumped onto a ski boat and drove to our base. I honestly think the water here is clearer than that in a swimming pool. The whole ride to the base I was thinking, "places like this actually exist? this trumps narnia, this trumps barbie mermaidia and fairytopia...i mean...this isn't real." But I soon came to the conclusion that I was foolish to believe that man's imagination could create more than his creator's. Thesis? Again? Really?
The Destination Paradise base used to be a resort and it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL. I love it here. We have spent most of the time we've been here swimming in the pool, snorkling (which I haven't done yet), kayaking (haven't done yet either), playing volleyball, fun ice breakerish games, card games, guitar playing/ singing, reading, journaling, small group praying....ohh and eating beans and rice. :) OH, and Megan, the girl who sat next to me on the plane, just so happens to be my coincidence, right?? ;)
Anyway, needless to say, I'm loving it here. Minute by minute I hear God speaking to me, and so much of what he's revealing to me is that he has prepared the way for me to be here. He really did want me here. And he really did want the rest of my DTS here. The faculty and staff and base directors are amazing. I couldn't imagine anything better...except a better bed maybe haha. the boards under my mattress move around, so that's a little disconcerting considering that I'm on the top bunk haha. We'll figure that one out.
Thank you so much everyone for all your prayers. I feel them. I feel the Holy Spirit here. I'm becoming aware that I feel it a lot, but push it away, and now that I'm here to focus on God and God alone, I'm starting to actually feel a relationship with the spirit of God. That's something I've never felt in this way before.
Anyway, i'll keep you all posted. thank you for everything :)


  1. Hannah, I am so proud of you and at the same time wishing I was with you soaking in he Holy Spirit and learning to be a better Dad, husband, follower. I can't head there right now so I am taking your advice and will pour into Francis Chan and get that restarted again.
    Kaylee just walked in and wanted to say "Hi Hannah, I miss you so much!", as do we all.
    Be safe baby, learn so much that you can teach us through words, action spirit. I am here to learn and grow as well. I love you peachie!

  2. Hannah, thank you for such a great update. I'm praying for you and can't wait to hear more. I am so excited for all the wonder - filled experiences the Lord has in store for you. Bless you. Mrs. Harris
