Monday, September 12, 2011

week 2, day 1

I've been here in San Pedro for one week. My assesment of it thus far is that, while it may be paradise, I don't think I could live here long term. Between the heat and the bugs and the ferocious gaurd dogs, it's not the most comfortable setting for me, but the scenery is absolutely gorgeous here. more so than I've ever seen anywhere. And don't get me wrong either, I'm having the time of my life, it's just not "home" to me. But a magnificent place to be none the less. Let me give you a couple facts about Belize~

#1. Hardly anything is cold or dry in Belize. You go to bed sweating and wake up sweating and sweat or are in the water almost all day. The only cold things are drinks at the Palapa (which is our little soda bar thing out on the beach), orrr if you're the first to get to the water tank after the tank has been changed. That is all I can think of.

#2. They have geckoes in place of spiders here. And they make really loud clicking noises.

#3. Bug spray replaces makeup around here.

#4. A lot of people DO speak spanish here, even though mostly everyone told me they didn't haha

#5. We really do eat beans and rice everyday. And I could live off of only beans and rice forever. plus hot sauce.

#6. There are never to almost never shark attacks here in Belize, even though there are sharks. Wanna know why? Sharks attack in Florida because they cannot see well and will mistake a person for a seal. As soon as they taste a human though, they'll spit him back out. Here in Belize, the water is so clear that sharks see humans clearly and SWIM AWAY! I thought that was super cool.

#7. You may end up with more blood on the outside of your body than the inside at the end of the day, and may find bruises all over your body from beating yourself. Mosquitoes are brutal here.

#8. I've seen several iguanas here. It's a little odd to see an iguana on top of a building where I am used to seeing birds.

#9. Okay Tennessee, we thought WE had it bad with cicadas this year? Lemme tell you something. The cicadas here are as big as birds. Their bodies are at least 3 inches long and at least 1 inch wide and have HUGE butterfly like wings. And they scream. It doesn't sound like a bug noise, I thought birds were making the noise for the first couple of days, it's like a screeching.

That's all i got for now.
I got to learn how to sail this week!!!!!! I love it SO much, especially in this beautiful water. I can't even describe it. I just wanna go out there and sleep foever on the crystal blue waves. I also began my scuba diving training. I'm not gonna lie, I'm not excited about scuba diving at all, and I didn't like the training. BUT, I'm gonna suck it up and go ahead and try to get certified. Why nott? already half way there.

I really love being able to spend this much time devoted and focused on God all the time. It's making me realize that I need to be this focused, if not more so, in my everyday life. I'm seeking to get into the habit of spending hours in the word and prayer. And worshipping daily. And surrounding myself with people I can discuss and grow with. There has been a lot of soul stretching going on here. I've had to open up to 25 people I hardly know. None of them know my history or where I come from, they only have what I tell them. It's kind of an odd feeling. I've been blessed enough to live for so long in a community where I COULD have been seeking and growing in the Lord this much, but I may not always have that privelege. I've got to learn to be so devoted and focused on God no matter where He puts me. no matter what type of surroundings.

I'm sorry, friends and family that I haven't touched base with enough. Internet is extremely limited here. Plus I've been trying not to worry about media stuff so mcuh while I'm here, so please don't be offended. I love all of you so mcuh and cannot wait to talk to you. thanks for all the prayer and support, I feel God's hand with me. I'm praying for all of you back home as well.

1 comment:

  1. Hannah, remember that sometimes God will give us homes that are outside of our comfort zone, and at first may not feel like "home", but I will ask you towards the end of your time here and see if it feels like "home" then. God has a funny way of changing us like that, trust me! So happy you are here! I can not wait to find out more about you and what God has in store for you!
